Categories: Mobile App DevelopmentMobile Apps

The Benefits of Gamification in Developing Apps

One of the things futurists at the end of the 20th century probably didn’t expect was the spectacular rise of video games to the top percentile of the technology heap. From 2016 to 2020, global gaming revenues almost doubled, from US$37.7 billion to $79.5 billion that even non-gaming companies started to get their own mobile app developer to weave game dynamics into their apps.

Gamification isn’t an entirely new thing. Even before the popularity of video games grew in the late 90s, commerce and business processes created incentive systems that rewarded participants, much like how video games do it.

With the advent of improved connectivity through broadband technology, gamification in app development only ramped up in influence. How did this demand shoot up so rapidly? What makes gamification rewarding especially for mobile and web apps, that even non-gaming apps apply similar principles?

It answers a psychological need.

Human needs are arranged in such a way that progresses into self-actualization and mental satisfaction being the last and most “elevated” need. Abraham Maslow created this theory in 1954 and explained it in his book “Motivation and Personality”. Games and video games satisfy this need through a cycle of progressive tasks and incentives, creating a rewarding experience.

Game principles can also apply to mobile apps. Gamifying elements in a mobile app trigger positive responses in the brain, motivating users to use the app more often. When more users feel satisfied using an app, they promote it to their acquaintances, increasing downloads and potential in-app purchases.

Gamification creates and maintains user engagement.

What made Facebook successful in terms of gamification was the simple way they validated users’ perceptions – the “like” system. With simple “badge” mechanics, it created a positive experience for many users that kept them hooked.

Outside of social media and video games, app gamification can enhance user experience (UX) by creating a feedback loop between users and administrators or business owners.

For example, e-commerce apps that incentivize answering surveys regarding their purchasing habits give developers better insights to improve the product. In return, app makers give discount coupons. Through this cycle, users also develop better purchase habits and loyalty towards the platform and its partner vendors.

It can increase human productivity.

Productivity apps can also apply game mechanics to increase productivity. Small design elements such as customizable buttons, theme colors, and arrangement options can affect UX. Customization options allow users to organize data and tasks to their preference, improving the way they do work.

Similarly, custom-made enterprise apps can use straightforward indicators such as progress bars, ratings, and leaderboards to help users monitor task advancement and accomplishments. It could also help foster creative and friendly competition.

Company needs dictate what game dynamics can be applied to their custom app design. For example, an IT outsourcing services company will need a different monitoring scheme from a transport and logistics agency.


Gamification is not a new concept, yet it is all the more important in growing businesses in the 21st century. A business app doesn’t have to be a mobile game in itself to follow game-related principles.

What is still needed, though, is a skilled developer or team that knows how to apply the right game dynamics to your customers’ business relationship with you. Needs like this can be satisfied by experts such as Frontline Mobile Pte Ltd, a mobile app development agency in Singapore with more than 15 years of collective experience in IT, data analysis, and app development. You can be confident in their abilities and give your customers a better experience through custom-made apps. Reach out to us via for more information.

Ronaldo Amos Jr.

Published by
Ronaldo Amos Jr.
Tags: mobile apps

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